Pak301 Assignment Solution Fall2020 Virtual University

 Pak301 Assignment Solution Fall2020

Pak101 solved.

Question 1:

How did Sir Syed Ahmad Khan manage to create cordial relations between the Muslims and the British?


(1)To remove the state of tension between the Muslims and the British government.

(2)To induce them to get jobs and other facilities under the new government.

(3)To create an atmosphere of mutual understanding between the British government and the Muslims.

(4)To persuade Muslims to abstain from agitational politics.

(5)He founded many educational institutions all around India for Muslims to show that Muslims love education and do not support war and terror and in this way he manage to crete cordial relations between the Muslims and the British.

(6)Sir Syed published Loyal Mohammedans of India and Risala (7)Asbab-i-Baghawat-i-Hind that helped both the nations to rectify their grievance emerged after war of independence 1857.

(8)To produce an intellectual class from amongst the Muslim community.

(9)To motivate the Muslims to learn Western education.

Question 2:

Why did the Muslims of Subcontinent start a movement to support Urdu in the 18th century? 


(1)Urdu grew as common language of all the Indians regardless of origin or religion but in

1867 the Benarsi Hindus started campaign to replace Urdu by Hindi. Muslims of Subcontinent start a movement to support Urdu in the 18th century.

(2)Because Urdu was thought to be a symbol of Muslim heritage and as the language of the Muslim intellectual and political class.

(3)To gain the objectives they declared numerous organizations, which discouraged Sir Syed who said to Shakespeare that since now both the nations could not live together.

(4)Later the followers of Sir Syed tried their level best to save Urdu language. Mohsin ul Mulk was the outstanding person who organized the Muslims in defence of Urdu.

(5)Hindi-Urdu Controversy was started in 1867. Hindus demanded Hindi to be official language but Muslims wanted Urdu to be official language. Sir Syed supported Urdu in this thing.

(6)Due to this reason Sir Syed started “Two Nation Theory” telling that Muslims and Hindus were two separate kinds of people.

(7)Muslims opposed this and supported Urdu as it was the sign and united the Muslims of the India under one language. Hindi as the second official language on demand of Hindu activists.

(8)Muslim politician Sir Syed Ahmed Khan became the most vocal opponent of this change.

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